George Spillmann: Mistakes New Business Owners Make

As an experienced entrepreneur, George Spillmann has had the opportunity to work alongside many professionals, including a lot of people who are new to the world of business. Striking out on your own can be intimidating at the best of times, so it is important that you do everything that you can in order to give yourself the best chance of success. These mistakes are ones that are commonly made by new business owners and must be avoided at all times.

Creating A Poor Business Plan

The business plan that you create not only needs to cover every area of the company, including the finances and the level of competition that it will face, but must also be fluid enough to be adjusted if need be. Make sure the plan is concise and easy to follow, while still also containing all of the detail that you are going to need in order to run a business successfully. Otherwise you may find that the company starts to veer off course.

Poor Marketing

It is often easy to overlook marketing for the company when it is first founded, especially if your focus is placed on the service-end of the business. Unfortunately, delivering quality is only going to get you so far and you need to make an effort to also gain exposure in order to draw more customers. Failure to consider a good marketing strategy may result in slow business growth, making it even harder to survive those difficult initial years.

Trying To Do It All

Very few people are able to do absolutely everything that is involved in running a business, which is one of the reasons why George Spillmann has become talented with effective delegation. If you know that you don’t have the time to do everything that needs doing, find people who can help you.

George Spillmann: Tips For Small Businesses

George Spillmann is an entrepreneur in California who has set up a number of business and led them to success. Starting a new business is difficult at the best of times, particularly for smaller businesses due to the various difficulties involved in terms of locating investors and getting the ventures off the ground. These handy tips should prove useful for anybody who is looking to set up a small business but doesn’t know where to start.

Focus On Finances

Small businesses tend to run into trouble when their owners fail to focus on the money that is coming in and out of the company. Operating on a smaller budget means that there is far less room for errors in your accounting, so make sure you are vigilant or that you hire a professional to do it for you. Otherwise, you may end up spending far more than you should, putting the business in jeopardy in the process.

Network Constantly

The business world is as much about who you know as it is what you know, which means that there are plenty of opportunities out there that will pass you by if you don’t make the effort to network and meet other professionals in your industry. Make use of LinkedIn and any other social media sites that can connect you with business influencers. You should also make sure to attend any local business events and conferences in an effort to get your name out there.

Deliver Consistency

George Spillmann always makes it a point to deliver on everything that he promises to as a business owner. Make sure that you establish your product or service and develop a reputation for quality. Once that reputation is in place, make sure you are consistent at all times so that you keep your customers loyal.

George Spillmann: Benefits of Playing Basketball

While studying to develop the skills that would go on to be of benefit during his later career, George Spillmann also played basketball at the collegiate level. In addition to being one of the most popular and exciting sports in the United States, basketball offers its participants a range of different benefits, all of which can be useful in life away from the court.

Improving Teamwork Skills

If you are unable to operate well as part of a team, it is likely that you are going to struggle when playing basketball. While individual skill is certainly important, your teammates will also be relying on you to be in the right place at the right time, regardless of if you are in offence or defense. Failure to work with your teammates as a cohesive unit can lead to lost games. Thankfully, the game teaches you just how to work well in a team and these skills can also be transferred over to the world of work.

Better Physical Fitness

Basketball involves undertaking a lot of physical activities that will lead to your body being in better shape if you play for an extended period of time. The constant running around the court will improve your cardiovascular conditioning, while regular jumping also builds muscle strength and stamina in your legs. Improved physical fitness, particularly when it comes to your cardiovascular health, will mean you are at lower risk of suffering from heart disease and other potentially fatal ailments.

The Social Aspect

George Spillmann made many friends while playing basketball in college, many of whom shared similar interests to him. The benefits of a good social life should never be underestimated and basketball gives you the opportunity to meet new people and develop healthy bonds, allowing you to get more out of life and also offering you support in times of need.


George Spillmann has built an im~pressive career by using a few business skills that have gotten him through tough times. Spillmann works in Roseville, California, for an automotive business. He is a dedicated professional who’s learned the value of hard work and staying focused on the big picture. In addition to growing his management acumen, Spillmann knows the following skills can help a budding executive.


Many people think they are effective communicators in the workplace. The truth is, though, that effective communication isn’t attained in a single day. It takes time to communicate effectively, and its during periods of stress that the worst comes out. It’s easy to recap the Sunday night football game with your colleagues at the water cooler, but it takes skill to explain the work flow diagram that illustrates the company’s security infrastructure.

Team player

At almost position, working with other individuals on projects is almost a necessity. It takes a lot of patience to get along with people and work towards the attainment of goals. Some people find it easy the first time. Others, well, need to practice a little more to become good team players. For business executives though, it’s imperative that you work on listening to other peoples’ opinions and being patient.

Good writing skills

At the top echelons of the company, a lot of information is disseminated in written form. You don’t need Pulitzer-winning writing skills to work, but the quality of your emails and reports can’t be wanting. Effective writing comes with practice, as it demonstrates that you care about the recipient(s) of the message.

Market knowledge

Regardless of the product or service that your company specializes in, it’s important to understand the target customers, their needs, and how the company works to meet those needs.

George Spillmann has valuable business knowledge that he constantly shares with his employees.

George Spillmann: Effective Business Management Tips

Managing a business is not an easy role. Historically, setting the tone in the business that enables others to work optimally is difficult yet necessary for the company to function. As business executive George Spillmann knows, it’s important for business leaders to use effective methods that ensure work is done faster and more efficiently.

Because a lot of responsibility falls on senior management, it’s a common feeling among executives to feel overworked. However, an effective manager can employ a few techniques to ensure they work smarter. Avoiding stress is paramount to effectively utilizing the mind, which some industry experts view as the most powerful tool in business.


Managers who are less stressed and keep clear heads are able to make good decisions. As an executive, you can keep tabs on the amount of stressful situations you can handle. Anytime you find yourself getting overly agitated over poor performance or losing business, take a moment to breathe and evaluate the situation. In almost any instance, getting worked up or anxious over anything is never a good use of your energy. That’s why it is important to cut out all the anxiety and focus on getting the job done. Even adopting a positive attitude can make a lot of difference in your performance.

Break up work

Another way to boost productivity is by breaking up large, complex projects into smaller, more palatable assignments. Breaking up a large project has the capacity to allow faster completion and easier monitoring of work. Employees can also be more motivated to work on a project when they can work on smaller tasks. If a small part of the project can be completed, it acts as a motivator towards the individuals working on it.

George Spillmann has worked in the automotive industry since leaving the military. He is constantly working to improve business skills.

George Spillmann: Become a Strategic Business Leader

George Spillmann is a successful business executive working in the automotive industry in Roseville, CA. His appointment to the C-suite level was easy for the company’s board, as Spillmann is a strategic leader with a strong work ethic. In many businesses, strategic leadership is important for growth. The business environment is a volatile one, thus the need for more senior leaders to stay ahead of market trends, be decisive, and respond quickly to unexpected changes.

It’s rare for a company where all the members of senior management are good at corporate strategy. Some executives reach the top based on their functional expertise, while others know how to execute plans provided to them. In some companies, the need for strategic leaders has necessitated the need for a chief strategy officer – an individual charged with providing the roadmap that the company can follow.

Business executives wishing to flex their strategic muscles can consider the following tips.

What does strategy mean in your industry?

By the time business executives have reached the top levels, many of them are familiar with some strategy frameworks, whether by undertaking an MBA course or through corporate training/executive education programs. The good thing about these frameworks is that they are applicable in any industry.

But that is also an issue. As strategy becomes the focus of an executive, they have to understand how to think strategically with regards to the particular industry. General ideas may not always work when industry nuances are to be considered.

Identify potential issues

Becoming a strategy whiz requires that you develop a knack for identifying potential industry disrupters – the game changers – before they happen. Knowing how these issues emerge doesn’t come magically. It takes more than just analyzing the competition to learn of the insights that can make or break the industry.

Before joining the world of business, George Spillmann served in the military as an Army Ranger.

George Spillmann: How to Develop Your Business Effectively

George Spillmann has risen steadily at the automotive business he works at to become the chief executive officer. He knows that while business development is one of the ways to grow a business, it is also time intensive and requires much planning and focus. When it comes to business development, it is better to get it right the first time.

The following are some tips that can help your business development efforts.

Analyze the competition

It’s simply not enough to know the names of your competitors. You have to go the extra step of evaluating their product offering so you can figure out how to differentiate yourself. Rather than define yourself by the competition, use them to make yourself different. Differentiation is an effective way of developing your business.

Build meaningful relationships

Focus on building trust in your business relationships. Growth can come when you purposely work to add value to every relationship, and this can be achieved by seeking to provide knowledge and information. Make good customer service – before, during, and after the sale – something everybody in the company embodies. A great reputation is an effective tool.

Don’t underestimate testimonials

Testimonials can be an effective means of establishing credibility with prospective customers. It can help to utilize a few tips when it comes to testimonials. For example, it might not be good to use generic testimonials. Rather, customize each testimonial to appeal to specific targets. If you are dealing with small businesses, for example, use testimonials from other small businesses you’ve transacted with, rather than a corporate client.

Ask to do business

After you’ve met with prospective clients, submitted a proposal and followed up, consider asking for the business in a simple way: “I would very much like to do business together, when can we get started?” As George Spillmann knows, this direct and simple approach is refreshing and signals confidence.

George Spillmann - The Value of A Good Work Ethic

George Spillmann has built a successful company in part because he has a strong work ethic, and is not afraid to work hard to get the job done. Building a flourishing business is no easy task, it is something that takes experience and discipline. Even if you are not a business owner, a good work ethic can help you to succeed in any area of life, especially your career. If you are looking to have a better career and prosper, it all starts with a strong work ethic. While talent certainly helps one succeed, it is much more effective when coupled with a strong work ethic and a will to succeed.

George Spillmann

George Spillmann always encourages his employees to go above and beyond the expected. While many companies offer a minimum working period, many also allow employees to stay late if they like. A good work ethic can help an employee stay and finish that important paperwork early, instead of simply going home after minimum effort and trying again the next day. Just by putting forth a small amount of extra effort, you can really stand out at the office. Instead of watching the clock and waiting for that moment to go home, you can invest as much time as is necessary to get the job done. This is something a boss will certainly notice and appreciate.

One of the secrets to George Spillmann’s success is his unfaltering work ethic. He is the kind of person that simply does not give up on a task until it is completed accurately and fully. That same work ethic has helped him build a successful business.

George Spillmann - Video Promotion

George Spillmann is an ex-Army Ranger as well as the CEO of his own company. He has learned over the years that making a great company is about reaching out to the masses with a message. Every business has a service or product to offer. The successful businesses get the word out for that service and find a way to stand out from the competition. This is something that can be achieved using a number of modern marketing approaches. Now more than ever, it has become more affordable and easier to reach an audience as a business thanks to the internet.

CEOs like George Spillmann know that the future of online marketing and business promotion lies in online videos. Platforms like YouTube, Flickr, and Slideshare are becoming increasingly popular ways to reach out to an interested audience. When a business produces steady, consistent, and quality content in the form of video, it can significantly boost an online following and raise brand awareness. This ultimately will lead to more customers and sales, meaning higher profit margins and business growth. Online video marketing and advertising is the way of the future. Cornering the online market is a matter of generating consistent and unique content.

George Spillmann is always working to improve his business in one way or another. It is this kind of work ethic that has made him so successful over the years. He also has an uncompromising attitude and a keen business sense that gives him an edge over the competition.

George Spillmann Discusses Business Promotion Techniques]

George Spillmann is the CEO of his own successful company. This is something that doesn’t just happen, but takes time, effort, talent, and experience. Building a better business is about building and establishing a name and an image. Promoting a business using various marketing techniques is an effective strategy to accomplish this. Even better, the internet has allowed business promotion and advertising to be cheaper and more accessible than ever. That means that even small business owners are now capable of keeping up with larger businesses when it comes to acquiring online real estate and a fan following. With the proper techniques, you can promote your business across several different platforms.

George Spillmann

As the CEO of a company, George Spillmann knows that success of a business can often hinge upon how successful their promotional campaigns are. One of the ways to promote your business across the web for free is to use a few platforms that offer free services. Google Places for instance, makes your business more search friendly and helps it show up on google maps when people search it. Another great way to get exposure is to sign up for Yahoo! Local, a free business listing directory. Just these two simple actions can give your business a lot more online exposure.

George Spillmann has been working as the CEO of his own company for many years now. He has helped run a number of successful promotional campaigns over the course of his career that has brought a considerable amount of success to his business. That is why budding entrepreneurs often try to emulate George’s strategies.

George Spillmann - Social Media Outreach

As the CEO of his own company, George Spillmann is constantly working diligently to find new and more effective ways to communicate his message. As CEO, part of his job is to get his message and vision of the company out to the masses. A CEO has to cultivate a brand and an image for a company, as well as lead promotions and get a higher customer base. One of the ways a CEO accomplishes this is by running outreach and marketing campaigns. These campaigns are geared and optimized in order to raise awareness about events, special promotions, or significant changes within the industry. The way in which these campaigns are carried out have begun to change thanks to the power of the internet. A business with an online presence can now instantly connect to a customer base. This has been a valuable new tool for CEOs.
George Spillmann
One of the ways that George Spillmann has been reaching out to the public is by using social media promotional campaigns. Social media has been a new and powerful avenue of marketing and business promotion. The value lies in creating interactive and interesting content for consumers and potential customers to see online. It also allows for instant communication between a business representative and a customer. This allows a business to build strong, positive bonds with their consumers. This helps increase the company’s positive reputation and ultimately, its customer base. Social media creates a fan base for companies and lets them become instantly aware of new events or changes within the community. It also offers an avenue to provide unique and entertaining content to customers consistently over a long period of time.

George Spillmann has been working hard to improve his business and become the best CEO he can be. Part of his duty as such is to make sure that the community has a clear understanding of the business’s direction. That is why he uses social media outreach strategies, a new age marketing technique to communicate his message to the interested masses. Social media provides a direct line of communication from a company to a customer. Better yet, by sharing of content and the power of going viral, social media outreach is also a great marketing strategy that helps to generate new customer interest and leads for future purchases of products or services.
George Spillmann knows that being a good CEO is about reaching out to the masses and letting them know the goals and direction of the business. He also makes it a point to build sturdy and long-lasting relationships with communities online, and local. IT is that kind of work ethic and outreach that has helped him build a successful company.

Sierra’s Host First American Organized Ski Race - George Spillmann

Snow skiing in California is part of California’s heritage from the Sierra Nevadas, enjoyed today by George Spillmann. Gold miners in the high Sierras were among the first in the world to race competitively on skis. February of 1867 is recorded to have been the first organized ski race in America, at La Porte, California, when in actuality, ski racing had been initiated in La Porte in the previous winter, with 25 feet of snow, 3,000 miners, and nothing to do.   Local resident Charles Nelson is credited with sharing his expert knowledge of the Norwegian sport by teaching the construction of shaped wooden skis, selling them for $6 in gold. While imbibing at the local tavern, the miners would shape a race course and take bets, with a prize pot for the winner.

California skiers like Roy Mikkelson and Snowshoe Thompson popularized skiing, with ski clubs in Lake Tahoe and Auburn promoting skiing competition. Snowshoe Thompson invented the modern slalom, with a record at the Sacramento Union crediting him with “stakes to be stuck in a straight line every 100 feet through the track, and I will leave the first one to the right, the next one to the left, and so on until I get through.”   Snowshoe also carried upwards of 50 pounds of mail from Placerville to Genoa, Nevada in 5 days for 15 years, making him something of a local legend. The Tahoe Tavern jump hill was built by Norwegian born Lars Haugen, and expert ski jumper.   The Tahoe Tavern jump hill was Olympic caliber, with 1932 Winter Olympic tryouts held there. George Spillmann might have tried it for the thrill.

 George Spillman Treasures the Special Ecology of the Lake Tahoe Region

Forests of the Lake Tahoe region are dominated by conifers, primarily pine and fir, while meadows alternate between wet and dry.  Salmon transplanted to the Tahoe area from the North Pacific in the 40’s spawn in the fall in Taylor Creek, and then die and provide food for mink, bears and eagles.  Likewise, beaver were re-introduced to the Tahoe forests in the 40’s, and now have migrated around most of Lake Tahoe.  Beaver dams have been shown to be pivotal to preserving wetlands, slowing stream flow and thus decrease phosphorous pollutants into the lake, preserving this unique area for George Spillmann and his descendants.

George Spillmann

Lake Tahoe experienced its boom in population as a result of the 1960 Winter Olympics, which precipitated the building of the interstate highway allowing access to Squaw Valley.  In 20 years Tahoe’s population increased by 30,000, to 50,000 residents from 1960 to 1980. Land use controls and regulation have helped to slow out-of-control development, and subsequently, population growth. Grass-roots organizations dedicated to preserving the land and ecology of Tahoe have arisen dedicated to strict environmentalism.  Of concern today is the loss of lake clarity due to urban stormwater runoff.  The U.S. EPA has developed the model to analyze the water quality of and below Lake Tahoe.

Tourism dominates the Lake Tahoe area, with restaurants, ski resorts, golf courses and casinos throughout the region.  Thousands of visitors from Reno, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Sacramento arrive each year for downhill skiing on a variety of slopes, including the largest ski resort, Heavenly Mountain; the second largest, Squaw Valley; Alpine Meadows, Diamond Peak, Northstar, Kirkwood with heavy snow, Sierra-at-Tahoe, Boreal, Sugar Bowl, Donner, Homewood and Mount Rose, enjoyed by skiing enthusiasts like George Spillmann.

George Spillmann Serves in Modern Army Rangers

George Spillmann graduated from the U.S. Army Ranger School, while other Rangers have been designated to Ranger units.  The name Ranger originated with Rogers Rangers of the French and Indian Wars on the North American continent, and there have been American military units officially designated as Rangers since the Revolution of the colonies.  The Army Special Operations Command supports an elite airborne combat formation called the 75th Ranger Regiment.   Six battalions of the modern Rangers have fought in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and in conflicts such as those in Panama and Grenada.    The Ranger Training Brigade (RTB) has been training future Rangers since World War II through the Ranger School, necessary to become qualified as a Ranger and wear the Ranger Tab, as does George Spillmann.   Spillmann is also a member of the U.S. Army Ranger Association, which requires that membership be among those who have earned the Ranger tab, have served as Rangers in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Operations Urgent Fury, Just Cause, Desert Storm, Restore Hope, Enduring Freedom, and those Rangers who have served at least a year in a Ranger unit.

George Spillmann

Ranger companies originally developed on the American colonies’ frontier to engage in warfare unfamiliar to the British to provide early warnings of Indian raids and French offensives.  Ranger units acted as scouts and guides to villages and safety encampments for foreign troops and their leaders.  Originally known as American ranging, Ranger units go as far back as 1622 in written accounts, and Colonel Benjamin Church captained the first Ranger force, first for King Philip’s war, and then for raids in King William’s and Queen Anne’s Wars.  George Spillmann served in actions and wars during his time as a Ranger, notably the Iraq War.

George Spillmann Sees Evolution of The Soldier as an Individual

The United States Army Ranger mantra of no man left behind became more urgent with the end of the Vietnam era, and the accompanying end of conscription, as an all-volunteer military magnifies the importance of moral obligation and responsibility to care for all soldiers.  The Vietnam War military evolved into an all-volunteer force.  The need to view soldiers as individuals resulted in the need for familial bonds inside the military, including the all for one, one for all mentality.  The Vietnam War had seen the creation of elite battalions in the army called Rangers, and the evolution of the Ranger Creed:  "I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy..."    The inclusion of the media in every aspect of battle in Vietnam resulted in the public seeing soldiers as individuals, and the public being extremely aware of their status.   George Spillmann would have been versed in all aspects of this legacy by news reports of the frequent incursions of Ranger units into the greatest confrontations of the War.

George Spillmann

George Spillmann absorbed the “no man left behind” mantra along with the American public, who were saturated with movies based on the premise, such as Black Hawk Down which chronicled the rescue of a chief warrant officer in Somalia, and The Great Raid, which told the story of the liberation in the Philippines of 552 Allied prisoners from the Japanese during World War II.   Today, the joint POW/MIA Accounting Command uses its budget to find and retrieve the remains of soldiers who have died in wars, and return them to American soil for full military honors and burial.

How to Move Up the Corporate Ladder?

You don’t have to be working for several years in an organization to be able to move up the corporate ladder. Opportunities come, but more often it is you who needs to create the right atmosphere to see the opportunity come to you. Here are some tips you can use to move up the corporate ladder.

George Spillmann

Present Your Ideas
It does not matter how junior you are in the organization, do not be intimidated to share your ideas that can help the organization. Do not be afraid that others will reject your suggestions. If they do, you can politely ask why your ideas were rejected, and why it cannot work. Doing this will help you learn something new that can help in formulating new ideas that can benefit the organization.

Make an Impact
Choose a project that you consider a challenge and work with it to completion. Even if it is a challenge, take it up and work hard to succeed. You might want first to check with your superior whether you can take up that particular project. This positive work will help fast track your way up the corporate ladder.

Employers are looking for those who have positive work ethics. Your dressing and conduct will be judged at all times. Make sure you dress appropriately and carry yourself with confidence. When you take up a project or responsibility, make sure you give it your best. Strive for perfection and you will be perfect.

George Spillmann has been in the corporate sector for several years and has mentored several young professionals.

Simple Ways You can Make a Difference in Society

Society is a two way street that requires a cooperative effort by its members. It is the duty of every person to give back to society whenever possible. A common mistake is that some people think that giving back to society means giving money to different causes, however that is not always the case. There are several ways you can give back to society that does not require you dipping into your purse for money.

George Spillmann

Volunteer to Help Children

In many communities, children are the ones in need the most. There are several organizations that work with children that are in need of volunteers. Volunteering to work with children can help make a huge impact in their lives, and children are tomorrow's generation. The best way to help ensure a strong future for the community and nation, in general, is to ensure that children and youth are given proper education and taught the right morals. Several underprivileged children don't have the means to get a higher education, and working with organizations that provide free education or helping children with tuition can make a great impact in their lives.

Volunteer at a Homeless Shelter

It is a sad, but undeniable fact that there are millions of homeless people around the world. Many of them not only have no homes, but no food as well, and among them are mothers, infants, war veterans, and whole families. One of the ways in giving back to society and making a difference is by helping out at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. You can make life a bit easier for the needy by volunteering to cook or serve food at a soup kitchen, or by donating clothes and other vital supplies to help those in need.

George Spillmann is a business executive who has been involved in various community projects to help the poor and needy.

How to Create a Professional Image in the Workplace

Creating a professional image in the workplace is vital if you want to climb the corporate ladder. You will need to build your reputation on personal responsibility, respect and conduct towards others. Here are a couple of things you need to do to create and improve your professional image in the workplace.

George Spillmann
Dress to Impress

If you are looking to create or improve your professional image in the workplace, you need to take your dressing seriously. You will need to follow a formal dress code, and if required wear a business suit. You will need to present an image of yourself that says you are approachable, confident and credible. If you are not sure of how to go about it, you might want to work with an in-store image expert. Making a good impression is important to create a professional image in the workplace.

Social Skills

Social skills are important in the workplace, and they determine how far you will climb in your professional career. Because you will be meeting people face-to-face, speaking to them over the phone, or over the Internet, you will need to work on your social skills to make the right impression. Developing social skills takes time and practice. However, your self-confidence and personal and professional effectiveness will improve and make you a better professional in the workplace.

Find a Mentor

It is an advantage when you have a mentor to help you in your professional career. You can pick up vital professional and personal skills from a mentor, preferably someone who has had tremendous success in the corporate arena. A mentor will be able to guide you and monitor your progress.

George Spillmann has been in the corporate sector for several years and has mentored several young professionals.

Why Networking Can Be Beneficial to Your Career in the Corporate World

Networking is a powerful tool that can be used to grow your client base as well as your professional career. Networking is meeting an extended group of professionals to form relationships that support and assist each other over time. However, many business executives neglect networking and do not spend time building up a professional network. Here are a couple of benefits of business networking.

George Spillmann

  • Building a network of like-minded partners will help keep an eye open for new opportunities for you, and them. Networking is effective when it is mutually beneficial.
  • With networking, you can target businesses or individuals either directly or indirectly through your partners. You can expand your network through colleagues that would normally not be possible by yourself.
  • Networking helps build visibility within your community and helps develop your organization’s reputation. Through this, you can recruit and train new employees and make an impact in your community.
  • If you are looking to build visibility within your community, networking is the key. Social gatherings are a great way to build up your business or individual profile.
  • Networking helps you stay fresh with new ideas as you discuss with others. One of the best ways to get new ideas is to network with other professionals in your industry.

George Spillmann is a business executive who knows the advantages of networking.


Living a healthy life is the goal for many people. Based on the success stories we see and hear, it is an achievable goal, too. Of course, attaining a healthy life doesn't come easy. It requires commitment and patience. As with all worthy goals, where there is a will, there is a way. Individuals that seek to live a healthy lifestyle very often attain it.

George Spillmann

A healthy life isn’t out of reach if you pay attention to the following essentials.

Eating right

The goal here is to eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet is one that incorporates all the major food groups. Eating right also means eliminating the unnecessary foods that do little to your overall health. When it comes to incorporating balanced diets in your meals, start slow. Plan your meals in advance so you can include every food group.

Regular exercise

The importance of regular exercise cannot be understated. The movement that exercise entails helps the blood flow to all organs of the body. Regular exercise also helps keep weight in check and reduce the risk of developing health complications due to weakened immune systems.

Mental sharpness

Living a healthy life through exercise and eating right has tremendous benefits for your mental abilities. You can sleep, focus and think better while also having the capacity to withstand pressure when you undertake regular exercise. With good sleep and regular activity, your mind can relax and avoid stress-related issues like depression and anxiety.

In addition to being an accomplished business executive, George Spillman is also an advocate for healthy living. Since high school, he has strived to keep a fit lifestyle through regular exercise and eating the right food.


Achieving peak health and fitness is a desire for many people and often ranks as one of the most popular New Year's resolutions. While the desire is there, getting started is often a challenge for some. However, it can all be solved by keeping in mind a few simple tips that can go a long way in establishing consistency.

George Spillmann

Have reasonable expectations

Rome wasn’t built in a day, goes the saying, so don’t aim to lift 100lbs or jog 12 miles in your first week. Start at a comfortable level, slowly building your strength and stamina through various gradual challenges and increases. With regards to time, at least 30 minutes of moderate activity in the first few weeks will enable you find the endurance to tack on another half hour (or full one) of moderate to intense activity.

Make it exciting

Choose exercise routines and activities that are fun and exciting. Develop a list of activities that you find enjoyable so that the thought of exercise doesn't translate to a boring and exhausting time. Play music as you exercise and have a friend along to share the fun with.

Be more active

Find additional ways to be more active when you are not exercising. Take the stairs instead of using the escalator or leave the car at home and walk to the mall. Being active adds to the fitness routines you practice and also ensures you don’t get bored with the gym routine.

By putting into practice these tips, exercising can be more fun, enjoyable, and enable you achieve the fitness goals identified.

For more information visit : George Spillmann


A principled person is one who possesses strong convictions that motivate him/her to act in a mature and upright manners. Their actions are honorable and ethical, and there’s rarely a situation where a principled person will look to compromise their beliefs. Principled people have distinct traits that are noticeable and admired by people around them.

George Spillmann


To be a trustworthy individual means that people can completely trust you. They believe that you cannot betray their confidence. Being such a person is a big responsibility, which is often placed on people that have demonstrated good character, honesty, and are dependable.


Many times, people who can be trusted are often seen as being those of high integrity. While the term is sometimes used to mean honesty, integrity is often used on people who demonstrate consistency in their actions, words, and duties. A person of integrity can be said to show consistency in what they believe, what they say and what they do.


Courage is an important quality if you are to embrace challenges, persevere in times of adversity, and overcome fears that could hinder you from achieving success. Courage extends beyond the physical aspect and extends to the psychological strength to stand up for what you believe in, even if you stand alone.


Principled people aim to improve the situations and the environment around them. They work smart and aim to come up with creative solutions to problems. They understand that character is defined by the actions they take when there's no one around.

George Spillman is a business executive who also doubles as a mentor to the young professionals in Roseville, CA.


It goes without saying that if you want to gain the respect of peers, colleagues, and employers in a professional setting, you have to look and act the part. Doing things in a professional manner is essential not only to how others view you but also to the prospects of advancing your career. While there may be workplace training and seminars on professionalism, much of the learning and practicing falls on the individual.

George Spillmann

The following traits will help you in your quest for professionalism.


Your actions and overall demeanor matter a lot in the office. The choice of words and actions define how professional you are. Refrain from the coarse jokes and stories that discriminate or disrespect. While it’s important to have fun once in a while, keep your focus and be respectful at all times.

Time management

Professional people keep time, whether it's in submitting work or showing up for a meeting or appointment. Make an effort to arrive on time. It communicates respect to the people you meet and work alongside.

Rules and regulations

Pay particular attention to the norms and workplace procedures set in place for every situation. Every company has its set of rules that it expects employees to follow. Learn and abide by them.

Dress code

How you also look portrays your level of professionalism. There is likely to be a dress code for the workplace, so adhere to it. At all times, make sure you are decently dressed and that you loo presentable.

George Spillman is a business executive with a decade of experience in the technology field. He’s viewed as a mentor in the workplace and is always looking to guide young employees on how to portray professionalism.